Under 13 Club Skills Competiton

Kerry Coaching and Games are running an U13 Skills Competition for Clubs in 2016. The competition will initially run on a Divisional Basis with the Divisional winners qualifying for the County U13 Skills Final.


If clubs are interested in taking part they are asked to initially runan internal clubcompetitionamong theirU13players to determine who represents the club in the Divisional Final. The clubcompetitioncould take place on the night of a club training session with a station setup to test theU13players. Each club will then beasked to send a team of 3 players to their Divisional Final.

The idea behind thecompetitionis to get as manyplayers as possible participating through the internal clubcompetition. Thecompetitionwill encourage players to practice theskillswith the main emphasis of the tests being on improving the skill of kicking.

The Games Development Administrator in your Division will be in contact shortly to let you know the Date, time and Venue for The Divisional Final in your area. The County Final is due to take place on Thursday 14thApril with the winning team being determined bythe highest combined scores of the 3 players.

The format of thecompetitionand theskillstests beingused as well as a scoring sheet are available and have been sent to clubs.

All clubs are encouraged to take part as it will lead to an overall increase in the skill levels of the young players involved.

For further information or queries please contact Donal Daly

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