Below is a home strength workout that was designed by the Kerry GAA Athletic Development coordinator Jason McGahan
This workout can be used by Youth Players at U16 and Minor. If you don’t have equipment at home don’t worry as most of the exercises can be done using body weight. If you want to add some resistance, then you can use some water bottles etc.
I would encourage players to do this 2/3 times a week.
Please maintain good technique and posture during all exercises.
Speed is one of the most Important elements for Gaelic Games
Gaelic football involves high intensity movements such as sprinting, braking, jumping, cutting etc. Gaining exposure to these actions will not only help increase performance but also to reduce the risk of injury when you return to group training. This home program will help to stimulate maximum muscle activation and tendon tension during lockdown.
Ensure good technique and full range of motion to maximise effect. Use exercise video and coaching points provided.
Adjust number of sets accordingly to suit age/fitness levels. Advance from exercise to exercise, set rest for 90seconds then move onto the next set.
Eat well and hydrated – you are always more dehydrated than you think.
Ensure to adhere to general hygiene throughout the workouts.
Don’t try to overdo it on the first couple of days. It is very important to get the technique down right, so you can maximize this type of work.
Take at least two days between sessions. Remember that sprint training is one of the most intense work you can perform. Ensure proper recovery between reps and sessions!
We do not recommend sprinting on uneven surfaces or concrete. Try to find some nice smooth grass!
Most-importantly – have fun and enjoy! Once you master the technique, start to time yourself or invite a friend to compete with you, just be sure to practice social distancing
Ensure that you are fresh when starting these sessions. Workouts are designed to be completed anywhere and anytime (full workout will last approx. 20-25mins).
Like every exercise, it is key that we warm-up properly. Start your warm-up with a 5 minute jog, and then perform the series of dynamic mobility exercises, designed to prepare the body for the intense training to follow. Try to achieve big, open movements that are fluid and smooth. These should be done rhythmically at a comfortable speed.
Home Dynamic Warm Up
After your warm up, choose one of the two sessions included. Session A focus on linear speed development while Session B aim to improve multi-directional speed by replicating the dynamic movements of Gaelic football.
Both sessions follow a similar structure:
- Technical Drills
- Accelerations
- Plyometrics
Please take note of the coaching points in exercise videos to ensure appropriate technique.
Session A – Linear Speed
Linear Running Drills
Linear Accelerations
Linear Plyos
Session B – Multi directional Speed
Lateral Cutting Drills
Change of Direction Accerations
Multi directional Plyos
Please pass onto relevant coaches at this level in your clubs.
Any queries please contact Vince Cooper East Kerry/Kenmare GDA.