Sponsored Frank Doran Safeguardsecuity.ie East Kerry Senior Leagues 2024 First team named will be at home (unless otherwise stated) All games Sunday’s at 12 noon(unless otherwise Stated)—Division 1A Rathmore, Legion, Gneeveguillia, Dr. Crokes and Fossa
Round 1 Sunday 4th February 12 Noon. Legion V Fossa Rathmore V Dr. Crokes Gneeveguillia a Bye
Division1B Glenflesk, Spa, Kenmare, Firies, Kilcummin
Round 1 Sunday 4th February 12 Noon Glenflesk V Spa Kenmare V Firies Kilcummin a Bye
Division 2 Listry, Kilgarvan, Currow, Cordal, Round 1 Sunday 4th February 12 Noon Scartaglin V Currow Cordal V Kilgarvan Listry a Bye