Dates for Diary – Coaching Courses & Munster Postprimary Schools Competitions

East Kerry/ Kenmare Coaching Dates

A Foundation Level Coaching Course will take place in Spa GAA club on Saturday 18th February between 11.00 am to 4.00 pm. The course is aimed at new club coaches hoping to assist clubs in coaching underage teams from U6 to U12. The course will be a mixture of class based modules and practical work on the day. It is important that all coaches attending wear tracksuit and runners. Contact East Kerry/ Kenmare GDA for further details.

John C O’Shea (Sideline Eye) will deliver a presentation on Performance Analysis on Wednesday 15th of February in Firies GAA club. The workshop will give club coaches working with U14 to U18 players an excellent opportunity to discuss the latest technology been used to record games. The workshop runs between 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm. Contact East Kerry/ Kenmare GDA for further details.

Coach Education Gaelic Football Workshops – Title of Sessions

‘Games Based Approach to Coaching: Improving Technical Skills and Decision Making’

Two workshops will take place over the coming weeks with the dates and venues listed below.  The workshops will be practical sessions focusing on developing and improving players technical skills and decision making through various types of Games.  The sessions will be delivered by former Kerry Footballer and current Kerry South U 16 Manager Sean O Sullivan. 

The sessions will be aimed primarily at coaches working with teams from U 12 up to Senior level.  One session will take in Killarney and the other in Tralee and the same session will be delivered at both venues with a cost of 5 euros per coach. 

Monday 20th February at 7.30pm in Mounthawk Secondary School Tralee  

Monday 27th February at 8.30pm in St Brendan’s College Killarney (Sports Hall)

Can you please pass this message on to all your club coaches from U 12 upwards.

Workshops for U 6 to U 12 coaches will take place in March, with the first session planned for March 13th.  I will be sending out details on these over the next week. 

If you have any questions please contact Vince Cooper

Munster Post Primary Schools

Pobail Scoil Sliabh Luachra Rathmore won their game against Bandon Secondary School in the Munster U16.5 B football championship. Playing fantastic open football throughout the hour the free scoring Rathmore school team advanced to the next round.

St Brendans College reached the final of the Munster U18.5 A football competition by winning the semi final against St Flannans in Rathkeale, last Saturday. The Killarney school lined out without a few established names on the day. Playing superb football over the hour the excellent team work and scoring power of the forward unit proved decisive in the finish. The strength of the panel was in evidence with all players performing well on the day.




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